WorldWind Travelbook


WorldWind TravelBook is a very simple application what allow you to store cool places from NASA's worldwind. For any question/suggestion, feel free to send me an E-mail


Application package 601Ko (Win32)

Development package 1.5Mo (visual basic / innosetup)


10/03/2005 : Correction about folder configuration. Also many new features : now creates a travelbook layer in worldwind. Possibility to configure the font in worldwind. Also possibility to add a place directly from it's GPS coordinates.

17/02/2005 : correction about special characters <, >, " ...

Also added mode functions. Possibility to change the order of the entries, possibility to remove/modify an entry, ...


NASA's WorldWind Homepage

Worldwind forum


clic here to view an example


there are 3 parameters :

  • where to store your HTML, CSS, .. files. ?
  • Where is your worldwind ?
  • Which font do you want for your travelbook layer in worldwind ?

The files

Travelbook uses several files :

  • travelbook.js : contains the data itself. It is the only file that will be modified.
  • travelbooklib.js : is a javascript library that contains functions to write your travelbook into a HTML document. This file is used int the html document.
  • travelbook.html : is a sample html file, viewable with your internet browser. You can customize it in order to change colors, or add whatever you want.
  • travelbook.css : is the style file used by the html document. You can change here colors, font size, etc...

Usage : add a place

To add a place to your travelbook, start worldwind, move to the view you want to add, and hit ctrl+c. Get back to Travelbook, the copied url is automatiquelly pasted into the url field. Enter a name for this place, and eventually a comment, and then clic "Update TravelBook".

You can also add a place if you know it's GPS coordinates : Clic the "Add" button, select the "enter coordinates" option, and enter the coordinates. Add a name, and a comment, and then clic the "Add" button

Usage : open the travelbook

To open your travelbook, simply clic the "open travelbook" button.

Usage : remove an entry from the travelbook

To remove an entry, select it in the entry list, and clic "remove". Save, and it is done !

Usage : consult the travelbook

To go to a place, open the travelbook in your browser (from the "open travelbook" button, or directly open the html file), and then clic on the placename. If worldwind is already running, it will be send to the place you have stored. If worldwind is not running, it will be started, and then send to the place.

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